So you want to visit the Zone, but clicking on the picture didn't work huh? Well hopefully these instructions will help you through the process. If not just email me at the address below and I will do what I can to get you connected.

The Basics

You need two things to get connected to the Twilight Zone

  1. Net access
  2. A "telnet" client program
If you are looking at this page (and you are), we can assume you have the Net access at least at some level.

The next thing you need it a "telnet" client program, you should be able to find some nice ones at, or just use your favorite search engine and look for something like "telnet client" without the quotes (").

Once you have access to a telnet client, you can connect directly to The Twilight Zone address and port, which is:


   Port: 5000
From unix you would just type telnet 5000, other programs have different ways of doing this though.

Once you get connected, you should see something like this:

  Welcome to the:        ,                               =
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     :                                                                      *
                       Web Site:

Type "who" to see who is logged on, or "quit" to quit.  Make up a login and
password and have fun!

Enter login name:

Ok, now for the hard part, you have to make up a login name, and type it in at the login prompt, then you have to make up a password too! If the login name you chose is already being used, you will get a message like this:

Enter login name: livewire
Enter password:
Login incorrect

Enter login name: 

If that happens, just make up another one and try it again. When you get one the Zone will respond as follows:
Enter login name: wowiezowie
Enter password:
New user...
Please re-enter password:

Re-enter your password, to make sure you typed it right, and then follow the instructions for setting up your new account, if you pass the instructions up in your excitement to get Zoned, then you can look at them again by doing a .view newuser, If you need some basic help just doing anything, do a .view general. If you are still lost at that point, just .pray for some help from a wizard.

If that doesn't get you connected, then you can always email me at the address below, and I will try to help you out.

Good Luck, and Happy Zoning

Need more help... email me at